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Writer's pictureAlex Kay

Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies for Sore Throats, plus 3 Essential Tissue Salts.

Updated: Sep 27, 2024

I'm the sort of person who gets a sore throat when everyone else gets a cold. It's just my way of doing a virus.

I know first-hand that sore throats can be distressingly painful. So much so that sleep, eating and drinking can be difficult (maybe even impossible).

For most children, a sore throat might appear alongside;

  • a childhood disease (virus or infection)

  • a cold

  • an earache

  • a flu

  • a chest infection.

Doctors consider (most) sore throats to be a self-limiting condition (i.e. they resolve on their own) and no longer write prescriptions for minor sore throats, instead referring patients to their local pharmacy.

Not everyone is happy to dose their children up on pharmaceutical products. But, when you or your child can't eat, drink or sleep you're going to need some effective ideas, and fast!

These days there are plenty of natural alternatives to reduce the swelling and pain of a sore throat.

In this article, I've listed my top 7 homeopathic remedies for sore throats.

These are commonly used remedies, so you may even have these in your kit already.

I also recommend stocking up on the 3 'must have' tissue salts I've listed.

Two of these little beauties will help your family with most viruses and infections.

If sore throats are showing up a lot in your house you may want to consider booking in with your homeopath.

In my practice, I've noticed that resilience greatly improves within the first 3-6 months of homeopathic treatment.

So, you'll soon start to see a gradual reduction in the frequency and intensity of throat flare-ups.

Start with a Throat Examination

This will help you to understand what stage the throat condition is at and guide your remedy choice.

Shine a torch in the mouth. Look for any changes to the throat, mouth, and tongue;

  • Is there any swelling,

  • Redness,

  • Discolouration,

  • Mucous films,

  • Eruptions; spots, ulcers, cuts, or bumps?

If symptoms are still at that mild niggly stage, then keep it simple and offer the closest matching tissue salt.


3 Tissue Salts for Sore Throats, Viruses, Allergies or Infection

Ferrum Phos - First stages of inflammation (Swelling and heat) - There might be visible redness, swelling, fever, burning pain and associated ear, nose, chest, and head symptoms.


Kali Mur - Second stages of inflammation (White blobs/pus) - There will probably be some sort of thick white mucous or catarrh. Maybe white pustules or deposits in the mouth or on the tonsils. Neck glands may be swollen and there will likely be throat to ear pain.


Nat Mur – The dry and irritated throat (maybe allergy-related)

Nat mur helps with a painful dryness in the mouth and throat. There might be streaming eyes and nose with lots of mucous dripping down the throat. Or the opposite; painfully dry nose and eyes. This can help you most if you have a tendency towards allergies.


Tissue salt Dosage

You can give 2 pills every 15 minutes, hourly or 3-4 times over the day/night.

Match the frequency of dosing to the intensity of the symptoms. Then reduce and stop as things improve.

Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies For Sore Throats

When a sore throat comes on fast and intensely you're gonna be grabbing your homeopathic remedy kit for some rapid symptom relief.

Start by comparing my top 7 homeopathic remedies for sore throats.

If you can match at least 3 of the keynote symptoms then you're good to go!

You can also continue with your tissue salt alongside your chosen remedy if you like.

Belladonna: Sudden Angry Sore Throat

· Hot, Red, Throbbing, and painful throat with swollen glands.

· Right-sided pain with a flushed red face.

· Worse 3 pm or 3 am, light, noise, and touch.

· No Thirst (except for maybe lemonade).

· Symptoms came on suddenly after getting wet and cold.

· The sufferer may be sleepy and delirious or angry and manic.

· These are usually sudden, violent, and intense infections or viral throat conditions.

Hepar Sulph: Splinteringly Painful Sore Throat

· Sharp and splinter-like pains in the throat which travel to the ear when swallowing.

· Thick, yellow, stubbornly stuck discharges in the throat.

· Hypersensitive to pain and hates a draft.

· Better wrapping up warm with a hot drink.

· Food is difficult to swallow, but warm drinks are okay.

Mercury: Raw and Burningly Sore Throat

· Raw, burning pains from throat to ear; often worse at night-time.

· Excessive saliva (especially at night) which is painful to swallow.

· Fever alternating with chills.

· Cracked tongue and smelly breath.

· White deposits on tonsils or ulcers of the mouth and throat.

Phytolacca: Right-Sided Sore Throat

· Pains shoot from tongue to ears when swallowing.

· Red Tipped Tongue

· Dark Red or Bluish Throat

· Hot, narrow, lumpy feelings in the throat

· Worse damp and cold weather and hot drinks

· Painfully swollen glands and tonsils.

· Better cold drinks.

Lachesis: Left-Sided Sore Throat

· Left-sided sore throat which later moves to the right side.

· Dark, red raw throat.

· Pain worse swallowing liquids, especially hot drinks. Food is easier to swallow.

· Sensation of a lump or crumb choking them.

· Cannot bear anything touching the throat area.

Apis: Fiery Red and Puffy Sore Throat

· Fiery red, shiny, and puffy-looking throat with stinging pains when swallowing.

· No thirst.

· Worse hot drinks, better cold.

· Possibly swollen due to allergic reaction.

Ignatia: A Lump in the Throat

· Throat pain started after a shock, grief, or intense emotional experience.

· Sharp pains, only relieved while eating.

· Sensation of a lump in the throat.

· Tonsilitis or Ulcers of the throat since an intense emotional experience.

Dosage Ideas

In first aid situations like these, it's best to give a single dose of the matching remedy, using whatever potency you have handy (30c is a good starting point).

Only repeat the remedy if the initial improvement seems to wear off.

If there is no change after 3-6 doses, then you probably need to look for a different remedy.

With intense symptoms like tonsillitis pain (difficulty swallowing), you may sometimes need to repeat your doses every 10-30 minutes until the pain and swelling reduce.


One Last Top Tip for Sore Throats

During my worst-ever throat virus, when nothing was working, a good friend suggested I invest in some doTERRA On-Guard. After 2 -3 days of gargling (with a drop of oil in water a day) I could finally swallow without pain once more.

It's not homeopathic, but it's another effective tool for your family's first aid kit :)

I hope my blog helps you to get the best out of your natural first aid kit.

I truly believe that you are your family's best healer, but if you ever get stuck, we can work it out together.

Warmest Wishes & Happy Home Prescribing!


Hi, I'm Alex a qualified homeopath with ten+ years of experience in family practice.

I specialise in understanding sensitive families and I'd love to support you with your stress or trauma-related illness.

Every Symptom Tells a Story... What's Your Health Story?

For more information:

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes, and does not replace professional medical advice.

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