The Centre for Homeopathic Education 2009-2012 BSc (Hons) Homeopathy - LCHE - HbT
Special Interests:
Mental & Emotional Health - First-Aid - Allergies - Medically Unexplained Syndromes
I am a fully insured homeopathic practitioner
Hi! I'm Alex !
I set up my homoepathic practice in 2012 because I wanted to help sensitive people like myself to overcome emotional health issues.
I created natural medicine plans for sensitive with depression, anxiety, panic and OCD.
Along the way, my clients told me their allergies resolved, sleep improved, hormones balanced or old injuries just stopped flaring!
I soon realised that even if someone came to see me with a painful foot (which only hurt when walking to work) I'd be able to support them with their workplace bullying as well as their chronic pain - even if they didn't tell me about the bullying!
Homeopathy is a science, but there's an art to understanding the healing language of the body.
Your symptoms really do tell a story and if you're willing to listen your healing opportunities will expand along with self-compassion.
Warmest Wishes
4 Natural Ways to Keep Your Family Healthy
Rapid Relief Homeopathy: Whether you're dealing with a virus, infection, injury or flare-up there's a homeopathic remedy that's got your back.
Bach Flower Essences: My go-to medicines for emotional distress.
These remedies support homoeopathic treatment and never interfere with medication.
HomeoBotancials & Plant medicines: are wonderfully supportive of homoeopathic remedies. They help when an organ or system is out of balance and needs a gentle detox.
Nutritional Tissue Salts: So simple yet so effective! These remedies can help strengthen, boost or balance your essential minerals.
They're easy to use alongside homeopathic treatment.
My Top 3 First-Aid Remedies
Mag Phos 6x
Fast, Intense Fever and Inflammation with Anxiety and Restlessness
Croup - EarAches - Coughs - Colds
Shock with Bruised Pains, sore and inflammed.
Injuries - Jet lag - NoseBleeds
Muscle Spasms and Cramps better for warmth.
Natural Pain Reliever & Muscle Relaxant.
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